Consumer Use

Did you know that up to 90% of energy used in laundry is to heat up the water?


Just by turning your dial to the cold cycle, you can reduce the amount of energy needed during the wash.


When we do a load of laundry at home it may feel like a singular action, but individual choices – like washing in cold – can have a massive, cumulative impact.

Consumer use

Energy saved calculator

Small steps help the environment, too, since these little contributions add up. Why not start with saving energy when it comes to laundry? With our calculator below, you can see for yourself how much energy you can save each week. You just need to set the temperature at which you usually wash, how often you use your washing machine, and it will show you how many times you would be able to charge your phone weekly with the energy saved.

At what temperature do you wash?

How often do you wash?

Times you can charge your phone with energy saved if you turn to cold:

At what temperature do you wash?

How often do you wash?

Times you can charge your phone with energy saved if you turn to cold:

Helping your clothes last longer
The Importance of recycling