How to Remove Coffee and Tea Stains
Mornings are difficult as it is, and sometimes drips and spills from your morning brew can leave unsightly stains on your clothes. Coffee stains or tea stains don't have to ruin your morning if you act fast to treat them.
Start by blotting the stain and then running cold water over it. Pre-treating is critical, so after you've rinsed the stain, work in a detergent like Tide Ultra OXI Liquid using a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can always repeat the pre-treating steps until you're satisfied, just remember not to tumble dry until the stain is gone, as drying will set coffee and tea stains permanently. Read on for Tide’s step-by-step guide to coffee and tea stain removal:
Removing Coffee and Tea Stains from Clothing
Tips for Removing Coffee and Tea Stains on the Go
Wet a cloth with cold water and blot the stain or run cold water through the back of the stain. If available, use Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover.
Remove the excess residue from the stain.
Press the tip of the Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover onto the stain several times to release some of the stain remover solution.
Rub the tip gently across the stain to remove it. If necessary, add more liquid detergent and continue to rub gently.
Important: If the treated area is exposed to direct sunlight, then wipe with a damp cloth or a napkin to remove excess solution.
Effective Stain Removal on a Variety of Stains
While you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, you’re likely to encounter other stains, too. Chocolate stains from your cookies may find their way onto your favourite blouse, or jam from your morning toast may get onto your jeans. Don’t worry about it: Tide has it covered.
For whiter whites and tough stain removal, wash with Tide Plus Bleach Alternative Liquid Laundry Detergent. It can’t replace the feeling of that first cup of coffee, but clean, fresh, stain free clothes are another great way to start the day.
Products to treat coffee and tea stains